HRM Volunteer Awards - Deadline extended to December 16, 2011

Hello everyone,

The deadline to nominate an individual, youth or group for an
HRM Volunteer Award is extended to Friday, December 16th. It's a great opportunity to recognize someone who goes above and beyond in volunteering their time and skills to provide services and programs in HRM communities.

We could use your help to spread the word. If possible, perhaps your organization could:
1. Print and Display our Poster:
Print the attached poster and post it prominently where all your volunteers will see it. Or forward it as an email.
2. Include a blurb in an email, your newsletter or blog:
Each year Mayor Peter Kelly and Halifax Regional Council recognize the extraordinary contributions of individuals and groups who volunteer their time and skills to provide services and programs in HRM communities. HRM is now accepting nominations for the 2012 Volunteer Awards.

Nominations are accepted in three categories: adult, youth (ages 13-19) and community group. Nomination criteria and applications can be found online at

Successful nominees will be notified in March 2012 and will be invited to attend a ceremony and reception taking place on April 18, 2012 when they will be officially presented with their award by Mayor Kelly and the councillor from their district. The award ceremony coincides with and is in celebration of National Volunteer Week, April 15-April 21, 2012.

From those selected to receive an HRM Volunteer Award, ten representatives will be sent on to the Provincial Volunteer Awards.

The deadline for nominations for the 2012 awards is Friday, December 16, 2011.

To find out more information about the awards, nomination criteria and to nominate someone who's made a difference in your community, visit .
3. Share it on Facebook:
Know an adult, youth or community group that went over and above in giving back to their community? Nominate them for an HRM Volunteer Award by December 9th. Nomination criteria and applications can be found at
4. Tweet it!
Nominate someone deserving for an HRM Volunteer Award. Deadline: Dec 16, 2011
2012 HRM Volunteer Awards: Nominate an extraordinary adult, youth (13-19) or community group by Dec
. 16

Bronwyn MacKinnon
Community Developer
Halifax Regional Municipality
Community Development - Community Relations & Cultural Affairs
PO Box 1749
Halifax, NS B3J 3A5

Tel: (902) 490-4535

FYI: Upcoming Events

BCHA received notice of a few upcoming events that we are happy to pass along...

This Saturday - FREE Family Movie Night

Saturday, November 26th @ 6:30pm
Come see a Christmas movie on the big screen and enjoy free popcorn and drinks. 
New Life Baptist church 1760 Propsect Road
Bake Sale
Saturday, December 10th @ 9:00am to 1:00pm
Prospect Road Community Centre
All proceeds will go to support Somalia (see more details below about upcoming Somalia rally).
Family Christmas Eve Service
Saturday, December 24th @6:30pm
New Life Baptist church 1760 Propsect Road 
A time to celebrate and worship our Saviour's birth.  All welcomed!

Looking ahead...
Somalia Rally
Hosted by the Prospect Road & area churches
Friday, January 20, 2012 @ 7pm
Start at St. Timothy's Church and end at the Prospect Road Community Center with a time of singing, special music, and refreshments.

Some Upcoming Events

Some interesting upcoming events
NS Water Caucus:
Thursday afternoon planning session, Nov 17th, 2011.  It is taking place at the Sackville Heights Community Centre, 45 Connolly Road in Sackville.  We will be meeting in the boardroom.  For anyone attending and not familiar with this very large Community Centre, the Boardroom is the first door on the left just inside the front door, when you go through that door you are facing 2 doors in a short hall and the Boardroom is the door on your left. Many thanks to Larry Bell for the directions.
COCO Meeting (Council of Community Organizations):
7 p.m. on Thursday, November 17,2011 at the Tantallon Public Library. Host group is the Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust. All Welcome. For more information please contact Beth McGee at 823-2245 or John Cascadden at 852-4886.
DAWN Gathering:
Thank you to those who have already registered or RSVP'd! For those who haven't quite decided, here's a last minute chance to register for the Dartmouth Area Watersheds Network Gathering to be held on Saturday, November 19th at the Fairbanks Centre, 54 Locks Road (Shubenacadie Canal Commission Headquarters) from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm. You are welcome to come for part or all of the Gathering.
Protecting Our Communities - A Conference on Shale Gas and Fracking:
Saturday, December 3, 2011: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Location: Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro Nova Scotia (Cox Institute, 50 Pictou Road)
The conference will bring together concerned citizens, engaged activists, and experts from across Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and beyond. Don't miss this opportunity to take part in engaging workshops and hear from two exciting keynote speakers (Dr. Tony Ingraffea, Cornell University and Jessica Ernst)!!
Check out the NS NOFRAC website for more info and to register:

Work At Yeadon Green Continues

Yeadon Green - Phase I Complete
The final stages of Phase II will begin tomorrow.  The grading work and culvert improvements will be made by G & R Kelly.

Phase III includes installing new play equipment complete with swings, a climbing apparatus, slides and new cribbing and gravel around it all. HRM has awarded the Phase III contract to Timbertech. The equipment will be installed when Timbertec has the unit ready - hopefully in a few weeks!

We are currently growing our team of volunteers!  If you would like to be involved in making positive changes like this one in our community, please contact - you can make a difference.

Work at Wendy's Meadow Park

Our dedicated volunteer BBQ chefs!
Last summer, the BCHA hosted a community BBQ on the park land at Melanson Lane to gather your input about what kind of park you would like to see at this location.  Since then, we have been working to make your dreams a reality.  Today, the visible work began!

Wendy's Meadow Park - before
This year, the funds allotted for our community work are a just fraction of past years so we struggled with what could be accomplished with our minimal budget.  

After researching the physical composition of the land as well as reviewing the cost of the plans for the space, it was determined that the best starting point was to prepare the entry way and the parking area leading into the park. 

Work begins on the entry way
The plans for play equipment, a picnic area, seating and an alternate entrance are all part of work to be done at this park over the following seasons/years as time and funds permit.  

If you have any great ideas where we might be able to secure additional funding, please be sure to let us know.  

Widening the gap a bit!
There are currently only 6 of us working to complete the BHCA projects in Brookside.  Many hands make light work.  If you feel that you could help in any way, your input would be most welcome.

Kind regards,

Getaway weekend this fall!

Some things that you, your children, or family might be interested in.

Can't wait til summer to get back to camp?
You don't have to anymore!

This is your chance to escape the humdrum of simply living life week to week.

Space is limited so we encourage campers to register early!

For more information please contact Melanie at or (902) 868-CAMP.

Join us for a getaway weekend! 
Click hereto register now
November 11-13 - fall retreat (grades 3-5) 
November 18-20 - recharge (grades 6-12)
Retreat Fee: $60, plus HST
Check In on Friday at 7:00pm

Visit us online at for more information on our retreats and events.

Survey for Parents:
We are striving to create life-changing camp experiences for everyone at Bayside Camp and as part of the review of our summer camps we would like to invite you to complete a simple, short survey.
Survey open until October 15
  Thanks for your assistance!

       Stay connected
        by reading our  
       Fall Newsletter

Yeadon Green Gets A Facelift!

Everyone who walks the bicycle trail at Yeadon Green will have noticed that the old playground equipment has been removed in preparation for a facelift!  BCHA has been working with HRM for the past 3 summers to improve the playground at this park and we're excited that it's underway!  Special thanks to Councillor Reg Rankin for his support of this project.

Phase I began last fall with improvements to the drainage pathways behind the old play equipment.  That work helped divert water away from the play area.  The weather this summer has helped us identify other areas where drainage can be improved.

Phase II begins this fall with the removal of the old equipment (pics below) and will continue with raising the play area and improving the grading so that water will drain off into the existing waterways.

Phase III includes installing new play equipment complete with swings, a climbing apparatus, slides and new cribbing and gravel around it all.  HRM currently has this work out to tender.  If all goes well, the new playground will be ready for use in the Spring!

If you would like to be involved in making positive changes like this one in our community, please contact - we are always in need of volunteers who wish to make a difference.

FYI: Upcoming Community Events

FREE Family Movie Night
Saturday, October 22nd at 6:30pm
New Life Baptist Church 
Playing - All Roads Lead Home 
Come out for a fun family evening, free popcorn and drinks provided.  All welcomed.

Ladies' Conference
Inviting all ladies to an evening of worshipping and praising God
Friday, October 21, 2011
7pm - 9pm
New Life Baptist Church
1760 Prospect Road, Hatchet Lake, NS
$20.00/person - Call Jan to reserve your spot 850- 2564
Guest Speaker:  Evangeline Inman
International Speaker, Award-Winning Musician, Best-Selling Author
This very busy wife and mother has experienced God's healing power in her life. She was unable to speak until the age of five when she was miraculously and instantly healed. The God of all comfort gave her an emotional healing in her 30's after the death of her three year old son. Evangeline has witnessed the supernatural in her life and desires to bring glory to the Name of Jesus.
Evangeline has spoken on behalf of Compassion Canada and World Vision to help improvised children around the world. She has traveled and ministered to the hurting on 3 different continents. She is the founder and president of  Women Who Worship conferences and has hosted 23 conferences with well over 10,000 attendees.

FYI: Cancelled - Electoral Boundary Open House Meetings - October 8th 2011

Due to a lack of feedback, and confirmations we have cancelled the Open House meetings previously scheduled for Saturday, October 8th 2011 at the Prospect Road Community Centre, and the Tantallon Library.
If you have not already done so, it may be in your best interest to:

Please forward this message to any, and all rate payer/home owner associations & their members, community groups, residents, and other interested parties located within Districts 22 & 23 that you may have previously alerted concerning the proposed meetings.

I want to thank Councillors Rankin, and Lund for making room in their schedules to attend the proposed but now cancelled Open House meetings; your support is always greatly appreciated.

Best Regards, John Cascadden (Cas)
(902) 471-4631

Reminder: Open House feedback needed

Subject: Electoral Boundary Open House Meeting October 8th

Just a quick reminder, the next HRM sponsored public information meeting about the changes to HRM Electoral Boundaries: Lakeside Fire Hall, 26 Myra Road, Timberlea; Wednesday, September 28th at 7:00 p.m;
Still need feedback to proceed with organizing the local Open House:
  • which location(s) on Saturday, October 8th:
    • the Prospect Road Community Centre, morning only 9am-12noon, or
    • the Tantallon Library, afternoon only 1:30-4:30pm
    • if there is enough interest we might do both locations;
  • Everyone, will you attend?  Please indicate if only one or both locations are acceptable?
  • Please respond no later than Friday, September 30th 2011?
  • This event will be cancelled on  October 1st 2011, if inadequate confirmations are received.
Please forward this message to any, and all rate payer/home owner associations & their members community groups, residents, and other interested parties located within Districts 22 & 23 that you may know.
Best Regards, Cas (John Cascadden)
McDonald Lake Residents Association
Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust

Yard Sale on Sunday Sept.25th

Hi everyone...
The weather does not look like it is cooperating for tomorrow
so we'll aim for Sunday morning instead!
Hope to see you there!!

Electoral Boundary Open House Meeting October 8th

At the end of the last Council of Community Organizations meeting, Wednesday September 21st, it was put forward that an Open House type information meeting could be very beneficial to help residents understand why we should care about HRM's Governance and District Boundary Review 2010 that is under way at this time.   This meeting would focus on the concerns of the communities now designated as Districts 22 & 23.

I have received confirmation that Councillors Reg Rankin, and Peter Lund (Districts 22 & 23) might be available to participate, and provide insights into how district boundary changes may affect governance processes, and community linkages.  I believe that the information that the councillors have with this regard is vital to facilitating anyone making an informed recommendation to HRM, or the NSUARB.
  • Next HRM sponsored public information meeting about the changes to HRM Electoral Boundaries: Lakeside Fire Hall, 26 Myra Road, Timberlea; Wednesday, September 28th at 7:00 p.m;
  • Five more HRM sponsored public meetings will occur after that; public submissions must get to HRM by Friday, October 14th;
  • Public submissions are supposed to facilitate the boundary review committee in making changes to the proposed boundary Scenarios 1 & 2;
  • HRM Council must decide which boundary scenario they will recommend prior to their October 21st submission date to the NSUARB; at this time HRM will publish the recommendations made to the NSUARB for public consumption; and
  • Interested parties can submit letters of comment to the NSUARB up to October 31st; NSUARB sponsored public hearings will be held starting November 7th. 
The date for our community sponsored open house meeting is on Saturday, October 8th; an evening-weekday meeting has been determined too hard to coordinate with this short notice.  Note that this is not an HRM sponsored meeting, rather it is a community sponsored event.  We also realize that this is the long weekend, but unfortunately our options are limited.  This type of electoral boundary review will not occur for another 8 years, so it is important for us to work together to try to get it right at this time.
We need the following information to proceed with organizing the Open House:
  • which location on Saturday, October 8th:
    • the Prospect Road Community Centre, morning only 9am-12noon, or
    • the Tantallon Library, afternoon only 1:30-4:30pm
    • if there is enough interest we might do both locations;
  • Everyone, will you attend?  Please indicate if only one or both locations are acceptable?
  • Please respond no later than Friday, September 30th 2011?
Please forward this message to any, and all rate payer/home owner associations & their members community groups, residents, and other interested parties located within Districts 22 & 23 that you may know.

Best Regards, Cas (John Cascadden)
McDonald Lake Residents Association
Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust

148 McDonald Lake Drive
Hatchet Lake, Nova Scotia
Canada  B3T 1R7

Home : (902) 852-4886
Mobile: (902) 471-4631

Free Movie Night this Saturday

From: Camille Vokey
Hi All,
FREE movie night at New Life Baptist Church is this Saturday (Sept. 17th) on the big screen at 6:30pm.  Playing - Soul Surfer  Come out for a fun family evening, free popcorn and drinks provided.  All welcomed. Hope to see you there.  

FYI: Halifax C & D & Tire Recycling Tour

When: Saturday 17th September 2011 (11am - 3pm)
Where: Halifax C&D & Tire Recycling. 16 Mills Drive, Goodwood, Nova Scotia
Why: Open House Tours.

Halifax C & D & Tire Recycling invites you to take a tour of our facilities and see firsthand the rate of waste diversion from local landfills and the many new uses for materials produced.

Originally established in 1995, Halifax C&D is a Nova Scotian business specializing in recycling.

Halifax C&D is a leader in construction and demolition waste management with a diversion rate of over 75%.

Halifax C&D began the province’s first tire recycling facility producing TDA in Nova Scotia. A contract exists with the Resource Recovery Fund Board (RRFB) to process all of Nova Scotia's used tires
into an environmentally inert shredded tire product known as Tire Derived Aggregate (TDA). In the tire plants first year of production, beginning May 1st 2010, 1.228 million tires were processed into TDA type B at the Goodwood facility.

Halifax C&D & Tire Recycling are "Recycling The Present To Preserve The Future"

Facility tours information please contact Barb Allen (Community Relations Manager) 852-4664

Everyone welcome!

Blessing Of The Boats

The SS Atlantic
Hello Friends of the
SS Atlantic!

This is a reminder that our annual Blessing of the Boats is happening this Sunday, July 31st, at 2:30 down by the monument at the SS Atlantic Heritage Park with a reception to follow in the Terence Bay Firehall. Every year, a large crowd participates in the service around the SS Atlantic Monument. As many as 50 boats might also be spotted on the water in the Terence Bay observing the service. This event has been a community tradition for over 30 years! Feel free to call 852-1557 for more details.

We hope to see you there!
Leanne James Cassie
SS Atlantic Heritage Park

FYI: Summer Camps in Terence Bay

Summer Sun Brings Summer Fun!

Under the Sea

July 5th - 6th

Under the Sea July 5th - 6th Don’t miss your chance to cool off while enjoying fun filled days packed with jellyfish, rock art, framed artistic creations and an ocean themed treat. Come prepared to get wet whether playing sponge tag, water balloon volleyball or splashing around at Sandy cove beach

Creative Adventures

July 19th - 20th

Your creativity will flow, while attending the ROC Creative Adventures summer camp. Paint, play dough, face paints, icing sugar and sprinkles will all be used to help your imagination take flight!

The ROC's Amazing Race

August 2nd - 3rd

Are you ready for the ROC’s Amazing Race? Come prepared for roadblocks, detours and fun as we make our way around the ROC, S.S Atlantic, Terence Bay Lighthouse and Sandy Cove Beach. From designing t-shirts to relay games and swimming you’re not going to want to miss this camp!

Challenge Week

August 16th - 17th

Its challenge time! Come down to the ROC this week to challenge yourself physically and mentally with obstacle courses, sports games, puzzles, capture the flag, a treasure hunt and much more!


Join us every second Thursday at the ROC for a night on the big screen! Pizza, popcorn and drinks will be provided.

Cost: $5 (includes admission, 1 slice of pizza, popcorn and a drink) $2 for an extra slice of pizza. Pay at the door.

This Summer we’ll be showing:

  • Marmaduke (July 14th)
  • How to Train Your Dragon (July 28th)
  • Yogi Bear (August 11th)
  • Shrek Forever After (August 25th)

For more information check out the new Terence Bay CAP Website, You can also contact Ashley at or stop by at:

Resource Opportunities Centre
1714 Lower Prospect Road,
Terence Bay, NS B3T 1Y6
Phone: 852-2622
Fax: 852 3267

PRCC Anniversary Bash
Saturday, June 18th!

Click here for more info!
Hi everyone....

Just a reminder that the Prospect Road Community Centre is having their 1 year Anniversary Bash tomorrow from 1pm - 4pm!

For more details, see: 

Hope to see you there!

Reminder: Prospect Road and area Recreation Association AGM Tonight!

Hello everyone,

A reminder that the Prospect Road and area Recreation Association is holding their AGM tonight (Monday, June 13th) at the Prospect Road Community Centre. The meeting will begin at 7pm.

Be there to hear the latest news!

Saturday, May 28, 9am - 12pm
Beautify Lover's Cove Park

Come plant a memory!
On Saturday, May 28th at 9am, the BCHA invites all community members to plant a memory at Lover's Cove Park on Cathy Road in Brookside.

You can participate in any number of ways:
  • bring a trowel or shovel and help with planting
  • bring a piece of a plant you have divided from your yard
  • bring a shovel and help build the new garden bed
  • bring seeds or plants naturalize along the path to the lake
  • bring your knowledge and enthusiasm and help organize
  • bring a memory to fill this park with joy
This is a family event and everyone is welcome!
Please invite your family, friends and neighbors!

If it's pouring rain on the 28th, this event will be held on
Sunday, May 29th at 9am.

We hope to see you there!

Support Our Local Youth

To the residents of our community,

My name is Kelsey Holt and I am a grade 11 student at Halifax West High School, currently enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Programme. I am a resident of the Hatchet Lake area.

I am writing to tell you about my upcoming trip to Poland where I will be acting as a young Ambassador for Canada with Coalition for Kids International. I am participating in the Coalition’s Journeys for a Lifetime program. In July of 2011 I will be going on a twelve day trip to Poland with five other teenagers to grant the wishes of many terminally-ill and underprivileged children in their homes and in hospitals.

After hearing about the extraordinary work that the Coalition does, and their commitment to children, I had no doubt that this was the perfect trip for me to participate in. Not only will it be a life-changing experience for me and the children I will help, it will be a great way to better myself and represent our community. I am seeking sponsors to help make this possible.

In order to participate in this exciting program I must raise $3900 towards the cost of the trip.  The Coalition has several methods that I can use to support my own sponsorship endeavours …

  • Individual sponsors who support me will receive a complimentary copy of the Coalition’s 4-track Single and Music Video CD-ROM “Flight of Angels”. Recorded in London's Library Studios, by a collection of amazing artists and musicians, who all contributed their time, anonymously, to record and film the song as a reminder to everyone that each time a Coalition kid "takes off" to grant the wishes of terminally-ill and underprivileged children, they are taking a 'flight of angels'.
  • Company sponsors who support me by contributing a minimum of $50 will have their logo and web-link displayed on the Coalition’s website for one year. Companies will receive an invoice for advertising which is a deductible business expense. Companies can send their logo to my email which I will forward to the Coalition.

More information about Coalition for Kids International and Journeys for a Lifetime can be found by visiting and I can be reached by contacting the BCHA. I would be pleased to meet with you in person at any time to tell you more about the Coalition and my trip.

Thank you for your consideration!
Kelsey Holt ☺
To support Kelsey, please email the BCHA for her contact information.

Thank You For Helping Brookside Stand Out!

Thank you to everyone who joined in the community cleanup on Saturday!  The weather cooperated and we were able to gather up much of the winter debris from the ditches and parks. If you weren't able to join us on the weekend, don't let that stop you!  Take a garbage bag with you on your evening walk... there are many areas still needing some TLC.  The community thanks you!
The trash heap created by our community cleanup volunteers!

2011 Annual Community Cleanup

This Saturday at 10 am

Help Brookside


At 10 am on Saturday April 30th, STAND OUTSIDE your residence and join your family and your neighbour’s by together doing a quick cleanup of your ditches and other common property nearby.

Place debris/bags on roadside for pickup by BCHA.

So get Brookside involved

Help by spreading this message all week long

Cleaning up in front of your area of Brookside

Helping with pickup (call 852-2879 to assist)


Preparing our parks for another summer season.

(Park volunteer’s clean up starts at Lover’s Cove at 10am as well)


This is part of a Prospect communities initiative so don’t let your area down.

After all your dedicated work, join all at the Prospect Road Community Centre for a BBQ from noon to 1 pm…
or until the food runs out!

So help make Brookside STAND OUT!

Do your part!

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