Family Christmas Movie Night!

Where: New Life Community Church (1760 Prospect Rd.)
When:  Sat., Dec 1, 2012
Time:  5:30pm
Cost:  FREE (Food donations for the Community Food Share welcomed)

The Christmas season is upon us.  Bring your family to enjoy delicious gingerbread & ice cream, carol singing, and a Christmas movie. The event starts at 5:30pm - come when you can.  All welcomed!
Movie Playing:  The Sons of Mistletoe
Christ is the greatest gift!                                         

Councillor Adams' Meet and Greet Follow-up

Good evening,

This is a short message to update you on the result of the Meet 'n Greet session on Monday, November 19th with Councillor Stephen Adams at the Prospect Road Community Centre.

All forms have been reviewed, questions tabulated and forwarded to our staff for comment, also; an email distribution group has been created to provide information to those residents who requested to be on the list.  Note: The recipients of the information will receive the e-mails by Blind Copy in an effort to ensure your privacy is maintained.

A total of 86 questions/comments were received on a variety of topics, therefore; it may take some time to receive all the responses from the various departments involved.

The intention is to have the list of questions/comments available on the Councillors' webpage by Monday, November 26th.  A few answers to some questions may be available at that time and will also be linked.

As responses are received, the information will be updated on the Councillor's webpage.

Take Out Bean Supper, Sat. Nov. 24

Spread the word!!! :D

St James United Church is hosting a take-out homemade baked bean supper with bread and cookies.

Saturday, November 24
4pm – 6pm 
$6.00 per serving

COCO Meeting: Nov.15, 7pm, Lakeside


The date for the November COCO Meeting has sort of sneaked up on us. We have lots to celebrate at this meeting with the protection of Troops Island, a report on the October 13 workshop about Stewardship ideas for the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area and the formation of a task force following this meeting, the HRM election , updates on the Buy Back the Mersey initiative, recent activities about Greenbelting in HRM, updates from community groups.
Here is the information about the Notice of meeting. Please circulate widely among your community groups, neighbours and friends. See you on November 15!!
The November meeting of the Council of Community Organizations (COCO) will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 15 at the Lakeside Community Centre,1492 St. Margaret's Bay Road, Lakeside. Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Rails to Trails(BLTR2T)  will be the host group. Catherine Klefenz of BLTR2T will be the Chair of this meeting.
We look forward to welcoming our HRM Councillors. For more information please contact Beth McGee at :  , telephone 823-2245 or John Cascadden at: telephone 852-4886   All Welcome .
Kindest Regards,
Beth McGee

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