Friends for Life - “Summer Sizzle” Fun Day! Sat, June 16th, 9am-1pm

Friends For Life Childcare Centre

Invites you to their “Summer Sizzle” Fun Day this weekend on Saturday, June 16th from 9am to 1pm
1690 Prospect Rd

Parents and Staff invite everyone who lives in the Prospect Communities Area to enjoy a day of fun!
- Harry Potter Bouncy Castle
- Check out a Fire Truck and meet Sparky the Dog!
- Face Painting
- Cake Walk
-  50/50 draw
- Silent Auction ( with TONS of fabulous items from local businesses and MORE!)
- Bake Sale
- Duck Pond Game
- Go-Fish for prizes
- Bean Bag Toss
- Sucker pull
- Buy tickets for our big basket full of GIFT CARDS for lots of great places!

On Saturday we will be selling tickets for all the games and food items. They may be purchased in groups of 15 for $10 or individually for $1.00 each.

The "Sizzle" gets started at 9am and runs until 1pm. Proceeds from this event will go towards the childrens programs. Friends for Life Childcare Centre is located at 1690 Prospect Rd.

PLEASE NOTE: Parking for this special event will be at the New Life Baptist Church next door to the daycare.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Wendy Purcell at 850-2527 or

Vote to Clean Up an Area in Your Province

Vote to clean up an area of your province

One week left to vote to clean up an area in your province. 

The same reliable team that delivers your home and business heating fuels wants to spruce things up. Vote today to have the Irving Energy Clean Team clean up a location in your province.
We've worked with local community leaders to identify areas that could use a little love in your province. Just vote on one of the locations we've identified. 
Click here to vote or Click here to see which locations are winning

Who Ya Gonna Call? Did you know...

We often get requests and reports to look into speeding vehicles or other "unusual activity" in our community.
The BCHA have a great working relationship with our local RCMP detachment in Tantallon as we love keeping our neighbourhood safe and enjoyable for all.
While they appreciate our calls of concern after-the-fact, they prefer to get calls when the issue is actually occurring, so they can check into it immediately.

If you have a complaint (speeders or anything else "police worthy"), the RCMP want to hear from you directly as it happens!  

The non-emergency line to report issues is 244-7208.
Now you know who to call!  

Summer Camp!!

Hi All,  Great summer program for children in the community.  Also, we are looking for youth volunteers to help, if interested please contact
Camille :o)
The Hatchet Lake Churches of St.Timothy's and New Life present
Adventures on Promise Island
Where Kids discover GOD'S lifesaving love!
Vacation Bible Camp 2012
August 6 - 10, 9am to Noon
Welcoming Children ages 5 & up
No church affiliation necessary
Register 852-4580

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