Work at Wendy's Meadow Park

Our dedicated volunteer BBQ chefs!
Last summer, the BCHA hosted a community BBQ on the park land at Melanson Lane to gather your input about what kind of park you would like to see at this location.  Since then, we have been working to make your dreams a reality.  Today, the visible work began!

Wendy's Meadow Park - before
This year, the funds allotted for our community work are a just fraction of past years so we struggled with what could be accomplished with our minimal budget.  

After researching the physical composition of the land as well as reviewing the cost of the plans for the space, it was determined that the best starting point was to prepare the entry way and the parking area leading into the park. 

Work begins on the entry way
The plans for play equipment, a picnic area, seating and an alternate entrance are all part of work to be done at this park over the following seasons/years as time and funds permit.  

If you have any great ideas where we might be able to secure additional funding, please be sure to let us know.  

Widening the gap a bit!
There are currently only 6 of us working to complete the BHCA projects in Brookside.  Many hands make light work.  If you feel that you could help in any way, your input would be most welcome.

Kind regards,

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